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Jun 05,2024

What Are NFC-Enabled Business Cards?

Writen By

Rich Kardz

With digital receipts and e-signature documents, businesses all over the world are working towards a greener future.


Cutting down on paper waste is an easy way to start making your office greener. People use a paper product every day that causes more waste, carbon pollution, water use, and tree damage than it needs to: the business card. Digital business cards and Near-field Communication (NFC) business cards are two new types of business cards that have come out in the last few years to help companies meet their sustainable goals.

A digital business card is exactly what it sounds like: an electronic business card that you keep on your phone or computer and can send to other people via email, text message, or QR code. NFC has pros and cons, just like any other product. We will talk about the good and bad points of NFC cards and who should and shouldn't use them in this piece. There are good and bad things about getting digital. Read this guide to digital business cards to learn more.


Who Should Have NFC Business Cards?

For some people, NFC business cards are a great choice because they're fun, trendy, and just plain cool.

  • People Who Like Having A Business Card In Their Hand

It's a great idea to use NFC instead of paper cards if you still like the idea of having something real to pull out when networking. You can get NFC business cards made of plastic, metal, wood, or just about anything else you can think of. Also, they can be used more than once. To give your business card to someone else, all they have to do is touch their phone to your NFC tag.

  • People Who Meet New People In Real Life

Now that events and conferences are happening again in real life, NFC is a quick and easy way to share contact information and make an impression that people will remember. If you don't need to network from home or work, using an NFC card can be a cool way to show off your brand.

  • Businesses That Spend A Lot Of Money On Business Cards

NFC business cards cost money, just like everything else. An NFC card might be worth the money if you have some marketing money to spare and like having a real card. But keep in mind that you'll have to pay more than just the NFC card itself. There are also shipping and handling costs, and if someone on your team loses or misplaces their card, you'll have to buy a new one.



It's no secret that NFC business cards are popular: they're useful, can be used to build a brand, and look "cool." For some people, NFC technology on business cards is a great idea, but only for some. It needs to be clarified how long the NFC trend will last, but the market has changed its tone over the last twelve months. Platforms that were built around NFC are now moving away from it and adding digital business card features and functions. This shows that people have less faith in NFC technology. To get more details, consult with RichKardz.